Wei GAO (高伟) Ph.D., IEEE Senior Member
Assistant Professor/Researcher/Ph.D. Supervisor

School of Electronic and Computer Engineering,
Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University (PKU)

Contact Information:
Address: PKU Campus, Xili University Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518055, China
Email: gaowei262 AT pku DOT edu DOT cn


[Biography] [Research] [Team] [Publications] [Patents] [ReferenceMaterials] [Teaching] [Awards] [Activities] [OpenSourceProjects] [Gallery] [Visitors]

Recent News

More in 2023 and Before
  • 2023/12 -- Three papers were accepted to AAAI 2024!
  • 2023/11 -- One paper was accepted to IJCV!
  • 2023/11 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TIP!
  • 2023/09 -- 课题组参与撰写中国人工智能系列白皮书《深度学习》(深度学习在三维点云技术中的应用) (Webpage)!
  • 2023/09 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TGRS!
  • 2023/09 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TIM!
  • 2023/08 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TIP!
  • 2023/07 -- Five papers were accepted to ACM MM 2023!
  • 2022/07 -- One paper was recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents - July 2022) in IEEE TPAMI!
  • 2023/07 -- One paper was accepted to ICCV 2023!
  • 2023/05 -- I was Elevated to the grade of CSIG Senior Member!
  • 2023/05 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2023/04 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TNNLS!
  • 2023/04 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE MultiMedia!
  • 2023/02 -- One paper was accepted to CVPR 2023!
  • 2023/01 -- I was Elected as the Member of Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE CASS VSPC-TC)!
  • 2023/01 -- We are organizing the International Workshop on Perception-inspired Communication and Processing for Immersive and Interactive Multimedia (PCPI2M) (Webpage) at IEEE ICME 2023. Submission deadline: March 23, 2023. Welcome to submit papers!
  • 2023/01 -- Two papers were accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2022/12 -- I will be the Tutorial Speaker for the Tutorial on 3D Point Cloud Compression and Processing for Multi-dimensional Applied Perception (PCP-MAP) at IEEE ICME 2023!
  • 2022/12 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TPAMI!
  • 2022/12 -- Two papers received the Shenzhen Excellent Research Paper Award in Science and Technology!
  • 2022/10 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TGRS!
  • 2022/09 -- 作为负责人的“基于视觉感知的三维点云编码关键技术研究”项目获得国家自然科学基金面上项目资助!
  • 2022/08 -- We received the 2022 CCF Excellent Open Source Graphic Software Nomination Award!
  • 2022/07 -- One paper was accepted to ECCV 2022!
  • 2022/06 -- Three papers were accepted to ACM MM 2022!
  • 2022/06 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2022/06 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TNNLS!
  • 2022/05 -- One paper was recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents - April 2022) in IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2022/05 -- We are organizing the Special Session on 3D Point Cloud Acquisition, Processing and Communication (3DPC-APC) at IEEE VCIP 2022 (Webpage). Submission deadline: June 5, 2022. Welcome to submit papers!
  • 2022/04 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2022/04 -- I was Elevated to the grade of CCF Senior Member!
  • 2022/04 -- We are organizing the International Workshop on Advances in Point Cloud Compression, Processing and Analysis (APCCPA) at ACM MM 2022 (Webpage). Submission deadline: July 4, 2022. Welcome to submit papers!
  • 2022/03 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TMM!
  • 2022/03 -- One paper was accepted to CVPR 2022!
  • 2022/02 -- I was Elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member!
  • 2022/02 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TII!
  • 2022/01 -- I was appointed as Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member for Signal Processing (Elsevier SIGPRO)!
  • 2022/01 -- I was Elected as the Member of Image, Video, and Multimedia Technical Committee, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA IVM-TC)!
  • 2021/12 -- One paper was accepted to DCC 2022!
  • 2021/12 -- One paper was accepted to AAAI 2022!
  • 2021/07 -- I received the 2021 IEEE Multimedia Rising Star (Runner Up Award) for Outstanding Early-stage Career Achievements in the Area of 3D Immersive Media Research!
  • 2021/07 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2021/07 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE SPL!
  • 2021/07 -- One paper was accepted to ACM MM 2021!
  • 2021/06 -- I was appointed as Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member for Neural Processing Letters (Springer NEPL)!
  • 2021/05 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
  • 2021/05 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TMM!
  • 2021/05 -- One paper was accepted to IEEE TII!
  • 2021/02 -- We are organizing the International Workshop on Quality of Experience in Interactive Multimedia (QoEIM) at IEEE ICME 2021 (Webpage). Submission deadline: March 13, 2021. Welcome to submit papers!






Patents & Standardizations

Reference Materials



Professional Activities

International Journal Editorship & Conference Organizer:
Reviewer of International Journals and Conferences:

Open Source Projects

  1. OpenPointCloud (Open Source Project for Point Cloud Coding and Processing)
  2. OpenAICoding (Open Source Project for Learning-based Image/Video Coding)
  3. OpenDatasets (Large-scale Datasets for Multimedia Computing and AI)
  4. OpenHardwareVC (Open Source Project for AVS3 8K Encoding Hardware)
  5. OpenCompression (Open Source Project for Visual Media Compression Optimization)
  6. OpenVision (Open Source Project for Computer Vision)
